Create & Contribute

Community-Led Alliance (CLA) is home to a growing network of community professionals from across the globe.

Each year, our website receives tens of thousands of visits from community experts from some of the world's leading companies, all looking to learn more about the latest innovations from the world of community-led growth, community management, operations, and more.

To feed our ever-expanding community of community professionals, we're always on the lookout for people just like you to share your expertise and help us shape the next generation of machine intelligence.

If you're interested in sharing your insights and experiences with our community, then read on to find out how you can contribute to the CLA platform.

Get involved

Write for us ✍️

Each and every month, 1000s of people make their way onto our site. That’s a lot of eyes and exposure for your article. So, whether you want to write about the best community tech, scaling communities, managing a team of Community Managers, or how to increase member engagement, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’ve got the insights, we’ve got the platform.

Here’s how to contribute 👇🏼

Step 1: Submit your subject

Before you put your fingers on the keyboard, drop us a line and let us know what you want to write about. Some popular topics include:

  • How to boost community engagement
  • Ways to create content for your community
  • Monetizing communities: When to do it, and how?
  • Understanding community operations
  • Getting stakeholder buy-in for community-led strategies
  • How community-led strategies can positively impact the rest of a business
  • Creating and hosting community events
  • How to re-engage dormant communities

Step 2: Follow the rules

We’re a reasonable bunch and we don’t expect too much, but what we do ask for is:

  • Articles to be no shorter than 800 words
  • Any pictures included to be royalty-free
  • A picture to sit with your contributor profile
  • A short bio (200 characters or less)

Also, individual contributions shouldn’t promote your company’s products or services. For that sort of stuff, we have sponsorship opportunities.

See below for these opportunities!

Step 3: Submit your work

Reach us by email and remember to include the link/attachment to your article along with your profile pic and bio - if you’re not already set up as a contributor, that is.

Already published something extraordinary elsewhere?

Not a problem. With custom canonical links, you can still share it with our audience too.

Yawn 💤 time for the boring bits…

Image policy

We include images with every post. Stock photography will be chosen by our team and will be posted with your entry unless you have a particular image you wish to use. By including any photos, screenshots, or images, you consent to allow CLA to post this image with proper credit to you and/or the creator.

Link policy

Links in your post should be relevant to the story you’re telling and provide context to your audience. When referring to another article or piece of research, please use proper citations or link to the source material.

Syndication policy

We reserve the right to use any and all contributed content, with credit to any authors, in its entirety or in portions for promotional purposes, including in social media, other blogs, or newsletters. CLA may cross-post to Medium, LinkedIn, or other blogging services.

Sponsorship opportunities 🦾

Community-Led Alliance's (CLA) mission is to actively promote the importance of community-led growth (CLG), and we do that by providing a platform for our global community to exchange knowledge, resources, and best practice.

Got a product that’s a game-changer for CLG enthusiasts? Are your services top-notch?

You can become a sponsor for:

  • Events
  • Articles
  • Reports
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
  • Virtual summits

See how you can collaborate with us here.

Contribute to a report 📚

Our regular landscape reports put the spotlight on the latest developments at the cutting edge of the community-led space.

To continue our industry-leading research, we're always keen to hear from practitioners and experts who have something to share.

Have a look at the reports and guides we're currently crafting to find out how you can help shape the community-led industry.

What we need from you:

  1. A headshot
  2. A short 200-word bio
  3. A quote

Get in touch with us below:

Reports we're working on:

  • State of Community-Led Growth, 2023
  • Community Tools of Choice, 2023
  • A Guide to Community Management, 2023

Be a course beta tester 🎓

Our expert-led courses aren't created in isolation, which is why we need your help. We seek support from researchers, managers, analysts, and academics to ensure that our training programs deliver everything a participant needs to take the next step in their career.

Interested to know what you'll get in return for being a beta tester? First and free access to accredited courses - for life.

What do we need from you first though? Candid, thorough, and timely feedback.

To enquire about becoming a beta tester for CLA, please email:

Affiliate partner 🤝

With a global network of community-led experts and professionals, our platform offers a unique opportunity for businesses seeking to get their name in front of an engaged network of community lovers.